Daniel LaCoste

developer • audiophile • proud geek


Hello world!

stay awhile and ...

I graduated from the [ ] in 2017

BSc, Major in Computer Science

[ show courses ]

CPSC 231 Introduction to Computer Science I
CPSC 233 Introduction to Computer Science II
SENG 301 Analysis & Design of Large Software
CPSC 313 Introduction to Computability
CPSC 319 Data Structures, Applications & Algorithms
CPSC 329 Explorations in Information Security and Privacy
CPSC 355 Computing Machinery I (x86 Programming)
CPSC 359 Computing Machinery II (RPi Programming)
CPSC 413 Design & Analysis of Algorithms I
CPSC 441 Computer Networks
CPSC 449 Programming Paradigms
CPSC 457 Principles of Operating Systems
CPSC 471 Database Management Systems
CPSC 481 Human Computer Interaction I
CPSC 499 Software Entrepreneurship
INTE 503 I, II, III, IV 16mos. Internship in Computer Science
SENG 513 Web Based Systems
CPSC 526 Network Systems Security
CPSC 599 Retrogame Programming

where I've worked:


Technical Support Analyst, Intern

May 2015 - August 2016


Network Technician

September 2013 - April 2014


Brand Ambassador

September 2013 - April 2014

what I've created:

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a socket.io chat app

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Overwatch: Playing by Sound

an analysis in sound design

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Ski Hill App

a case study in mobile HCI

I love to take photos

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forest lake road building
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